Pastoral Recomnendation

Pastoral Recomnendation

INSTRUCTIONS: This reference form should be completed by your pastor and mailed, e-mailed or faxed
directly to the Admissions Office of Logos Christian College and Graduate Schools.

To the Pastor:

The student mentioned in this form is applying for admission to Logos Christian University. Your recommendation should address the applicant's Christian commitment through the ministry of the local church. Your comments will be given high consideration. You must have known the applicant for at least one year, and there should be no family ties between you. These statements will be kept confidential and will only be made available to those officials directly involved in the university's admission process. Thank you for helping us evaluate the qualifications of this prospect.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at or call 904-398-3700 Ext 700, WhatsApp +1 (904) 923-8929.