Applicant Information
Pastor Information
Please Answer the Following Questions
2. How well do you know the applicant?
3. Does the applicant profess to be saved/born again?
4. Do you observe evidence to support this profession of faith?
5. Is the applicant a member of your church?
6. Indicate level of involvement?
7. Please choose the terms which best describe the applicants attitude toward the church and its
9. To your knowledge, does the applicant...
10. To your knowledge, is this person presently responsible for paying his/her bills?
11. Please rate the applicant in the following areas:
Christian Commitment
Integrity and Character
Leadership Potential
Morality and Ethics
Speaking Skills
Dependability & Cooperation
Personal Appearance
Family Oriented
Success in Ministry
Physical Health
Steady: Predictability
Resists Change
Loyal Team Worker
Consideration for Others
Mental Ability
Emotional Stability
Problem Solver
Attempts too much at once
13. Would you recommend this person as a candidate for the ministry?
14. How would you describe the applicant’s attitude toward authority?
If it is necessary to discuss this recommendation by phone, please call us. Thank you for your time.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.