Personal Details
Church Details
Ministry Experience
Do you financially support the church?
You can select multiple options *
Are you a... *
Professional Experience
Select the Professional Performance Area *
Years of Experience
Personal Skills (Select up to 5) *
If you wish to attach documents, you can do so in this section
Credits for Life Experience or Ministry
The maximum amount of credits that can be awarded is 30 credits, and you must have at least 12 years in ministry to be considered. We will reward 3 credits for each year of active participation in a local church (up to 15 credits). This statement does not guarantee that all individuals will receive credit or credits for ministerial experience, as the candidate must demonstrate competence and experience in the ecclesiastical field. Ministerial experience credits will be awarded to workers, laypeople, ministers, or pastors. Church members who have only participated in services and have no ministerial experience are excluded.
We will also reward another 15 credits to those who successfully complete the Equivalency Exam for Biblical Knowledge. This exam must be completed within a period of no more than 1 hour and 15 minutes. The use of the Bible, a concordance, a dictionary, or any type of didactic aid is not allowed. The exam must be supervised by a leading procurator or elder of your church, who must certify the examination. This exam does not apply to leaders, ministers, or pastors who have performed ministerial and ecclesiastical work for more than 20 years, although Christian University Logos reserves the right to exempt any person. *This exam will only be granted to those individuals approved by the evaluating body; the student cannot demand this exam if it has not been authorized by the evaluating department.
$20.00 for each Hour/Credit of Ministerial Experience Awarded
$50.00 for the Biblical Knowledge Exam
*These costs will be applied in the evaluation of the student according to the final result of the evaluator
Credits for Ministerial Internships or Internships
The maximum number of credits to be awarded is 15 credits at a cost of $20.00 per credit ($300.00). This benefit is for students who are in a supervised internship program (or ministerial internship) or for those who have been working successfully in ministry for a considerable time. Candidates must complete the required information along with Protocol information, and they must have completed all requirements.
$300.00 for Transferred Credits / administrative expenses included.
($20.00 for each credit awarded)
Not all questions presented here will be applicable to students involved in supervised internship programs; therefore, their experience will not be as extensive as that of individuals who have been employed by a ministry or hold a ministerial position. Nevertheless, the intern must answer all questions that are relevant to them. The intern's supervisor must attach a letter with additional details and recommendations if applicable, or complete the "Personal Recommendation" form
The total number of credits that can be obtained in an evaluation involving ministerial experience, internships, or internships, and the biblical knowledge exam is 45. These are special cases in which a high level of both biblical and theological knowledge has been demonstrated. These credits can only be applied to courses up to the Bachelor's level.
If your ministerial experience is extensive, use extra material. It is important that you provide documents that support your ministerial experience, such as: copies of certificates, descriptions of training workshops, copies of diplomas, letters of recommendation, awards, etc.